First of all let me introduce myself - My name’s Tina and I’m from Los Angeles. I’ve been running several businesses recently but my favorite thing of all is jewelry for women. I absolutely love it. There’s so many options in today’s world that I just never get bored looking at all the fabulous jewelry options available today. I do tend to go through phases and fashions though and at the moment I’m enjoying studying about Buddhist jewelry and in particular the designs that are currently available on this online buddha store. They’ve got some very nice gold buddha necklaces on there such as this sexy buddha necklace:

I do like gold material best because it’s kindest to the skin and also - well it’s a subjective thing I know but I think gold looks the best in the world when it comes to jewelry. There’s also a number of buddhist bracelets that I’m into too however these are a little bit young looking for me nowadays. I’m currently in my mid 40s and I make sure I exercise at least three times per week. I think that helps with getting the most from your jewelry. I mean who wants to look fat and wear a necklace?

So we’ve had a look at some of the Buddha jewelry options available on the market today and we know that people in and around the Los Angeles area are avid fans of this kind of jewelry. I think it’s been made more popular by the likes of Russel Brand and other comedians. Perhaps it’s the whole Boho movement as well that’s popularized it to this point. Whatever the reason I wonder if people understand that the Buddha style jewelry was in fact meant to be worn by Buddhist people and let’s have a look at why briefly.

I heard that to wear a Buddhism style necklace or bracelet empowers the wearer to some special kind of protection from the evil spirts which is said to bring good luck as well. Whether or not you believe in this kind of thing is up to you of course but it’s nice I think to add something a bit special to what is often just regular jewelry for women to wear and to look pretty. That’s just my opinion anyway - I like to wear it and I feel more confident when I wear it too. Thanks for reading.